Thursday, 11 October 2012

A set of new words have been officially added to the English Dictionary. LOL!!!

1) ALUU - A cursed,
devilish, babaric village,
hidden at a remote part of the country some kilometers away from a high institution.

2) ALUUNITE - A babaric
indigene of ALUU

3) ALUUEE - A person who is ALUUED

4) ALUUOLOGY - The study of babaric way of treating the human race without trial, evidendence or mercy

5) ALUUCRACY - Government of babarians, by the
babaric for the barbarians.

6) ALUUISM - The political babaric ideology of barbaric practice

7) ALUUISH - Having the
appearance of ALUU.
May the souls of the 4
ALUUEEs rest in peace

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